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EHEDG Compliance for Holstaal HST-Q Dairy tube
TNO Zeist has approve the Holstaal HST-Q Dairy tube range under the EHEDG guide lines. The quality of this range is higher than requested under DIN 11850, were the tube has to be <0,8µm ra, but the weld seam is <1,6µm ra.
Holstaal request a higher quality level with the production of our HST-Q tube range, <0,8 on the tube and <0,8µm on the weld seam too.
Further more the DIN qualification "BC" stands for either bright annealed or pickled. Holstaal supplies bright annealed and pickled. The tubes are free from iron particles and the surface is inert, resulting in a better corrosion resistance.
The HST-Q is specially suitable for making bends due to the stress free structure of the material.