- homepage pharma
- news
- technical info
- products
- Agitators magnetically coupled
- Block flanges
- Check Valves
- Filterhousings
- Fittings
- Gaskets
- Heat exchangers
- Hoses
- Instrumentation
- Isolation for clean environments
- Lobe pumps
- Manholes
- NA Connects
- Orbitalum Piping Tools
- Overflow valves
- Plastic fittings and clamps
- Quickdisconnects for hoses
- Re-useable hose connectors
- Reducing valves
- Rupture Discs
- Safety Valves
- Sight glass
- Specials
- Sprayballs and tank cleaning systems
- Stability Containers
- Steam Coolers
- Steam traps
- Tank Lids
- Test kit Clean Steam
- Tri-Clamp clamps
- Tubes
- Vacuum Products
- Valves
- brands
- Neumo Ehrenberg Group
- Aerre Inox
- Aflex Hose Ltd.
- Allegheny Bradford ABC Corp.
- Amesil Gore
- Anderson-Negele
- ArcelorMittal
- BioFlex
- BioPure Technology
- Connlock
- Continental Disc Corporation
- Eagle Stainless
- Exergy LLC
- Flowsmart
- Flowtech
- Heleon BV
- Herberts Industrieglass Metaglas
- Millipore NovAseptic
- Neumo Ehrenberg Group
- Orbitalum
- Rieger GmbH
- Rubberfab
- Rubber Fab
- Staitech Ltd.
- Valsteam
- Zotefoams
- Negele
2 Weld inspectors Level VT-w-2
Heleon is a well known manufacturer of specials for the pharmaceutical Industry. The quality is at the highest possible level. Currently we have two employees trained and certified as Welding Inspector Level 2.
We can supply orbital welds with weld logs, video film of all welds and roughness finish certificates with our products. We can also approve the welding quality in house. We have many production capabilities like in house electro-polishing and laser engraving.